St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul is a national Catholic Ministry to help the poor and the needy. Our parish has a branch of the St. Vincent de Paul. They meet on the second Wednesday of the month in the Parish Conference Room. New members are always welcome. You can learn more about St. Vincent de Paul on the national St. Vincent de Paul web site.
St. Vincent de Paul help line. If you need help from St. Vincent de Paul or know someone who does please leave a message on our St. Vincent de Paul help line: 508-535-5333. In the message clearly state your name, phone number, and how we can help you. One of our volunteers will call you back.
Pennies from Heaven: The Taunton District of St. Vincent de Paul, of which our parish St. Vincent de Paul is a member, runs a thrift Store on the corner of Washburn and Washington Streets. The store is connected to the parish parking lot. The phone number for Pennies From Heaven is 508-823-6676.